Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Her eyes are twinkling

She may be home tomorrow. Isn't that great?!! She is weak and will still need the feeding tube. But we may have her back in her own bed by tomorrow night. For the locals, she was moved out of the ICU and can get visitors. Call me to find out when a good time will be. Thank you for your prayers and love and meals. You are amazing people and your attention and care has made a huge difference to Jane and her whole family. I will let you know how the rehab is going.
On a side note, the only bad news we got last week was that her pathology report showed that some cells survived the chemo and radiation. This means that while she is technically cancer free, she has a significantly higher chance of it coming back. We are working on a nutritional program that may help to improve her chances and we will keep you posted!

(It is the 24th of March, I just started this on the 18th and couldn't get back to it. The computer is lying to you)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Game Time

All right guys, we need a moment of your time. Miss Jane will be having her surgery first thing in the morning. The bad news so far has been that she has been mostly unable to eat for the past three weeks. Subsequently, she is getting very weak and she has been in pain. The good news is that her spirit is still positive and she is "putting one foot in front of the other" and marching toward tomorrow. As anyone can imagine, she is apprehensive. So this is where you come in. We humbly ask that you take a minute and pray. It does matter and we are all grateful for every moment of it you have given our family so far. Please pray for her to have courage, for her doctors and nurses to care about her personally and do their best work, for her to heal quickly, and for her safety all the way through this to the end. I will try to update this as often as I can so that you all know how her progress is going. We love you all and thank you for caring about us. God Bless.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

She's home!

Well, on Monday I came into her room and she told me it was time. So, we packed up their things (boy were there a lot of things) and schlepped her to Amboy. We unloaded and unpacked and got her settled and she seemed very happy to be home where it is quiet and there are no Baby Signing Time DVDs. Although, I will say, over the course of their stay at the Chateau McClintock, Mom and Dad's sign language ability really improved. It must be osmosis.
At any rate, you can now direct your well wishes and beautiful gifts and cards northward. I will keep updating as she progresses. God bless.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sick, Sick, Go Away

Well, sorry for the lag in news. This week has been horrendous. Miss Jane finished her chemotherapy last Friday. She felt great all week and had a lovely visit with her dear friend Kathy. Friday afternoon she came home and hit the bed. She didn't get out for four days. Well, technically she got out for a bit on Monday to go and have a pet scan. But if she didn't have to, she wouldn't have.
We have been going in cycles of sick but smiling, to sick and crabby, to sick and weak. It has not been fun but at least we take a little comfort in knowing that it could have been like this the entire time she was in treatment and it wasn't. Thank God.
So today she had her surgical consultation. The doctor gave her the results of her pet scan and she HAS NO CANCER ANYWHERE ELSE IN HER BODY!!!! Again, thank you God! She will be having her surgery on March 17. She will be in the hospital for 8-10 days, part of that in the ICU. This means she may get out of the hospital right on her birthday. I can't think of a nicer present for her then to have all this in the rear view mirror, can you?
She had some hydration therapy today and we are going to go and get some more tomorrow. It made a big difference but she is not out of the woods yet. One of her favorite nurses warned her that it can just keep coming and going. It's awful.
Please pray for her to feel better. She says she knows that all of your prayers are the reason she has done so well so far. Her wall of cards and well wishes is beautifully decorated and she loves it.
PS- The cats are still fighting. Possibly the dumbest cats. Ever.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Of Baptism and B Movies

Justin and I were both baptized for the first time on Sunday. It was just amazing and I recommend it highly. Mom was feeling well enough to go and to stay for the party that followed. People seemed quite puzzled because she looked amazing. She even had enough energy to make a pot of spaghetti sauce- amazing.
You may be asking yourself where in the world one would get baptized in February in the Pacific Northwest without freezing to death. That is a good question. We are lucky enough to have members in our church who have a heated swimming pool with a gigantic bubble over the top to keep us warm. We all crowded around the edge of the pool and four of us, including Justin and I, were baptized. It was very misty and surreal. My mom and dad watched my little ones for us. After the pastor was finished with us, he did an open call for anyone who was moved by the spirit. I fully expected my dad to do a cannonball, but alas, twas not to be. I know, I am as shocked as you are. It was probably just because his hands were full with the baby. I wonder what he would have done if mom just shoved him into the pool? We could have pulled off a Nacho Libre baptism.
Once again, it is snowing (yea!!) and Miss Jane is off for more microwaving. We are expecting great company this weekend and her spirits are high. Thank you for all of the cards you have sent, they are up on the wall over her computer. They give her strength and make her smile.
Thank you to the Church of God in Ayres and the Fillmore Ward of the Church of Latter Day Saints, we appreciate you spending some of the time you have with the Big Guy talking about us.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thou shalt not covet thy husband's vegetables

This Thursday will be the official halfway mark of all of this. Dad is faithfully keeping track, much like in the grand tradition of counting down to summer vacation. He is a bus driver after all, you'd count too. So on we trudge straight up to the peak. Ostensibly, the ride down should go faster, right?
She is stalking our broccoli. And cauliflower. And tomatoes. She can't have any uncooked fruits or veggies and to say she's got a hankerin' would be an understatement. But, at least she has an appetite and for that we are grateful. When we are done, I will make her a three-tiered veggie cake with ranch frosting. You know, when I was a baby, she ate so many carrots that she turned orange. True story. She loves the veg.
We had a lovely visit with my mother-in-law this afternoon. Miss Jane seemed thrilled to talk to someone who wasn't a either blood relative or operating the giant microwave. Her social circle has been rather pathetic as of late. We bumped into ladies from church on Saturday and she did everything short of click her heels. I'm trying not to take this all personally.
Ruth and Alex are home and healing. Thank you for the extra prayers. I'm sure that the entire Broadhurst clan is taking up a good chunk of time at night for some of you. We appreciate your faith and will try our hardest to remain unhospitalized.
And finally, proof that dogs are smarter than cats. The two nincompoops are still hissing at each other through the doors. We have had one fur-flying fight. I was quickly able to disperse the participants by banging the baby's stroller up and down on top of the dummies. I'm either going to put them in their boxes right next to each other for a few days or tie their tails together. It will probably come down to a coin toss.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mouth pain is brutal. All of you who suffered through braces at some point or another know just what I am talking about. And if you are like me and totally ignorant to this process, you probably didn't know that chemotherapy causes a mouth full of sores. Some people (one of which would be my mom) say that it is the worst part. She says her mouth feels like bubble wrap and we will be firing up the vitamix to puree her food because she is starting to lose a little weight. Other than that, as far as Jane goes, everything is going pretty well.
On other fronts, Alex had surgery this morning to stabilize his lung. It involves talc, staples and more than a little discomfort. He will be in the hospital for at least 4 days. Don't feel too sorry for him, he has his laptop, a DVD player and access to the best apple juice the world has ever seen. We love you Alex, get well soon.
And on another other front, Michael's beloved wife Ruth has recently had some medical problems of her own. No details as they are not mine to share, but please pray for her to have a comfortable return to normal life and quick healing. God has delivered us another miracle! We love you Ruth and we are all missing you dearly right now.
Life is marching forward. Dad is up to full steam, busily supervising and critiquing all that I do. What would we do without him? The cats are nitwits and are still hissing angrily and acting surprised when they see one another. Liam and Christian run right past me in the morning as though I am invisible and straight into Grandma's arms/lap. Whatever, it's not like I gave birth to them or anything (cough, ingrates, cough, cough).
We have reports of prayers pouring in from all over and it is so wonderful. We are now on the Mormon wall (shout out to the Clapps), we have been added to a Catholic prayer list (Good old Uncle Bill), the Red Hat Ladies are praying like sassy little maniacs (you ladies are hot stuff, you know that right?), Jane's former co-workers and cohorts (she misses you all dearly) and Liam faithfully asking for Grammy's full recovery. You are all so amazing. We pray you all have many blessings returning your way, starting with a really good dinner and a great night's sleep tonight (does it get any better than that?).