Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One down, 28 to go♦♦

Mom had her first dance with Chemo on Monday. They arrived at the hospital at 7:45 for check in and then 2 hours of IV hydration. Then on to several hours of one kind of chemo. She was set up with her fanny pack (just like Susan Sarandon in Stepmom) for continuous IV chemo administration which will end on Friday. This is part one of 2 with the chemotherapy.

Today she is having her first radiation appointment. We can expect her skin to feel almost sunburned, but worse. She has some aloe vera and Eucerin to help with this problem.

The pharmacist sent her home with a collection of medication and a spreadsheet to help keep it all straight. I set up her stuff and dad's stuff on the top of the dresser. They have more pills than Carter has pills.

And as for mom, she felt pretty good last night and this morning. She slept very well. We only had a little nausea after taking a new medication but she had another pill to help with that and she is probably loopy as heck right about now, but everything went very well, thank you for all of

And I know that you all have one question weighing heavily on your minds- yes the cat is settling in just fine. In fact, he feels completely at home here; we brought the blankets from their bed, mom and dad are here and Fox news is blaring at about 56 decibels in the room- right at home. And just to show me that he's settling in, he took a leisurely stroll across the breakfast table. He is keeping his mind busy while they're away by spreading a fine layer of hair evenly across the carpet and bed. That Fonzy, always taking care of the details.your prayers.

PS-Yesterday, she woke up in a great mood, she got the 60 something nurse that shares her love of politics, a private room with a TV, and my dad got to stay with her all day- The Lord provides for us! Have a great day and keep on praying!

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